Thursday, April 12, 2018


After the slice and dice weekend I haven't had too much energy........ 

BUT with Sir Steve not working right now (he is doing quotes though -- so good thoughts on those quotes would be most welcome!)  we have been moving boxes/furniture from my lil apartment to his house.

It's all starting to come together ...... weaving two complete houses into one isn't all that easy.  But physically it is working.

Mentally?? it's a bit of a different story.

I fuss over 'my' sofa.  I fuss that 'my' pictures may not be Sir Steve's taste.  And I still tend to call it "his" house.  

Hopefully with time the brain will see it as "OUR" everything -- from the dishes to the furniture to the pictures.... to the building ....... 

This adjustment isn't easy on any of us -- but it's well worth be settled into one home together...... to love and live together as a 'family' with much love.


  1. I'm sure it will definitely take some time to adjust to "OUR". I can't imagine having someone else living in my house full time - I think I might prefer that we both sold our individual places and got a NEW place together - with NEW OUR things. But that's a lot of financial burden and I realise it's simply not practical.

    Good luck on those quotes. I'm sending positive thoughts!

  2. Sending positive thoughts on the quotes.

    Glad things are coming together physically. Mentally, it is a huge adjustment and will take time, but as you said, well worth it :)


  3. Sending good vibes on the quotes...Mentally is a much bigger adjustment, but it will be much easier when all the moving and you add touches of you to the house...hugs abby


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