Monday, March 01, 2010


i have been slaving all weekend.........

ok ok that's so not true !!! But i slaved on Saturday......... and i promised to keep you all up to date with how the cleaning project was going..........

On Saturday i did indeed take all the curtains down and got them washed, ironed and back up. But the big job was tackling my reading room......... i did my usual procrastinating by sorting and tidying the shelves in the office first....... but finally i couldn't stall any longer and dragged myself into the "reading" room.

i have 3 sectional shelving units.........

Here is number 1 .. before

and after

Here is number 2 ..... before

and after

Here is number 3 .... before

and after...........

and then i gave up for the day............... but i had really good intentions of starting off fresh Sunday morning !! i did - honest i did !!

But ya see there was a train show in town (model trains) and Sir was going and He came and picked me up and took me with Him (being the good sub i am - i couldn't very well say "no" could i?? )

For those of you, new around here, you missed all the reports on building the first train layout in the can catch up reading here

and here

and here

and here

BUT beware - there are some graphic photos included.......... so don't open at work!!!

Well Sir talked about our latest plans on His well as describing some incentive He had to get me thinking about the new train layout......

yes i have plans to start an N scale layout once Sir moves the HO to His house.

Now for those of you who have no idea what an HO is or an case you are interested in educating yourselves.... HO is bigger than N.........

how much bigger you ask??

This much bigger...........

this is HO

and this is N

This project however will be definitely longgggggggggg term.. little bit at a time....... and i might just go blind in the process... do you have any idea how small the flowers are in N scale??????????

Anyway that's the Monday Morning Report........... i have to run....... the "reading" room really does have to be finished.......... and then there is the bathroom i want to strip and clean - from the ceilings to the floor and everything in between.........

Sir says i am going to need a holiday from my holiday - when this is over............ BUT on Wednesday i go to Sir's house........ and i am hoping (and praying and wishing and hoping) that from Wednesday till Sunday i will be bound up and beaten and fucked until the brain doesn't function any more..........

hey a subbie can hope can't she??

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like I should rest up for this.. littleone better bring some toys if she wanted different ones than here...

    Owner of morningstar


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