Friday, June 26, 2020

Summer Time .............

Yesterday was the last official day of school !!  I did the happy dance.

The teacher dropped off envelopes with scrapbooks for the kids and any awards they might have won.   Sir Steve stopped on his way home to pick up the envelope.

We were more than a little shocked by the sheer number of awards the lil one won!!

BUT more surprising....... much more ... The teacher made an award for me...... for my perseverance and innovative teaching....... AND she wrote me a personal letter thanking me for all the help I gave her - from figuring out 'Teams' to finding glitches in work assignments.

The one thing through this covid thing that was worrying the lil one was that she wouldn't get to have an end of school celebration.  She doesn't know me OR her dad very well!! 

Sir Steve stopped and picked up a mess of Chinese food....... my eldest daughter and SIL came over - with a pink baseball glove gift - and we had an amazing year end celebration!!  At the fire the little one burned all her 'souvenirs' from our Around the World lessons - and we released all the joy and happiness into the universe.

Today my SIL took her off my hands and they went off to play 'soccer golf' - I am guessing I'll get a blow by blow description of the rules and the game and how much fun it was!! 

And now the summer begins..............


  1. Yay summer!!!! That is a great idea to burn the school work and send the joy else where....I may try that!!!

    Hopefully you have relaxed this afternoon and enjoyed some quiet.


  2. I hope it's fun and relaxing and peaceful!

  3. I've really enjoyed reading about you home schooling the lil one. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy the summer.


  4. Congratulations on the end of school Morningstar. Well done to the lil one and that was so sweet of the teacher to give you an award also. You more than deserve it! Glad you had a wonderful celebration:)



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