Saturday, June 02, 2018


Thursday was the worst day and the best day.

The clinic I took Miss Ashes to was the very best in my humble opinion.  They put us in a room that had dim lighting and a picture of a stone bridge in the mist.  The examining table had a thick foam mat and a snuggly woolly blanket on it.   The vet came in and gave Miss Ashes a mild sedative to help her relax.  I wrapped her in the blanket and held her close to my chest.  Just like when she was a kitten she snuggled her face between my breasts and purred very softly.  They left us to say our goodbyes.

For the first time in months Miss Ashes seemed relaxed.  I  hadn't realized how stiff she had been holding herself.  It made me cry.  Just before the vet came back I whispered in her ear "Now don't you pick on your brother!"  and "I love you so very much".

The needle went in....... and in less than a minute Miss Ashes was gone.  They told me to take as much time as I needed and quietly left us alone.  When I was ready to go -- a tech came in and promised me she wouldn't be left alone and immediately scooped her up in her arms and cradled her body gently still wrapped in the snuggly blanket.

That is the image in my mind -- Miss Ashes wrapped up in the blanket cradled in the tech's arms. 

Thursday night was hard..... we both missed her strutting up the middle of the bed for her loves from Sir Steve.... I missed her plunking down beside me and purring as I fell asleep.  I woke up a few times reaching out for her.......... 

Friday morning I was busy getting stuff ready to come up to the trailer.  Every so often I swear I heard her lil bell jingling.  Twice when I was in the kitchen working around the stove (where her dinner was served) I was sidestepping her........ her ghost.

When I brought the suitcase out to pack it....... I waited for her to jump in and make herself comfortable..........

When I closed and locked the door to leave -- I realized I didn't have to worry about her anymore....... she is (hopefully) happy and contented and out of pain..... watching me still.


  1. I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I know losing a pet is one of the worse things ever, but the love and dignity you showed her is amazing. Hugs!

  2. Morningstar, I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard, no matter how old your furbaby is. You did what was best for her. Hold her in your heart.


  3. Saying goodbye is the hardest thing. But now she is running free without pain or any cares. And that should be celebrated for ever

  4. (((hugs))) Morningstar, losing a beloved pet is hard, my thoughts are with you. I'm so glad both you and Miss Ashes were treated with such compassion, dignity and respect.


  5. OH my deepest sympathies. I'm sure she is looking out for you from over the rainbow bridge. Many hugs.

  6. Morningstar, so sorry to hear this. Sending you positive comforting thoughts.


  7. Ordalie5:23 am

    Dear Morningstar,
    I'm sorry I didn't read this post earlier because there's something I insist on sharing with all those who've got very sick animals at home and know their end is near:
    You take them to the vet's, hoping against all hope that after a night in their surgery they will be better.
    NEVER DO THAT except when they're in pain. KEEP THEM WITH you, they'll die near you but they won't be subject to a cold night in a surgery without the comfort of your loving arms.

  8. I am so so sorry to hear about this. It can be so hard losing a beloved furball.


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