This blog is intended for adults only. It may contain BDSM content from time to time.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
They (the proverbial "they") always say you should plan for retirement. I listened with half an ear.
But I did make some promises (plans) to myself about retirement starting almost 30 years ago.
I promised myself I would retire to Kingston - my parents had retired here - and I got a first hand look at the city. I loved it !! that's what I based the promise on......... a 30 year old memory.
Things have changed greatly here in 30 years........... and some things I didn't think through - like leaving my kids behind - or my favourite haunts - or my favourite shops - BUT there is a quiet small town quality to Kingston that I love!! And just as 30 years ago - there is always something going on here.... one festival or celebration or another. AND the people who live here are very friendly (for the most part) So.. I am glad I made this promise to myself .............
Then about 6 years ago or so I bought a fancy dancy camera, I have always loved photography - saw it as something much more than taking holiday photos....but the camera was a wee bit too fancy dancy - and I use it (90%) of the time on "automatic" cause I have no idea what to do with all the other buttons - or what half of them mean. I promised myself once I had settled into Kingston I would go back to school and take photography classes.
Yesterday was registration for the new fall session at the local college. I went on line and feeling very much like a kid starting school for the first time - I filled in the online registration forms - paid the fees required - and registered for my photography classes. Hopefully I will be accepted - and hopefully they will have enough students - and hopefully I will be starting back to school on Sept 10th.
I also (and didn't really tell anyone this promise) promised myself I would work towards stopping smoking. (note I said work toward - I don't want another failure to add to my list of failures - so it's a goal - a journey ) and I am pleased to say that when I arrived here I was up to a pack and a half a day. Now I am rationing my cigarettes and am down to 10 a day.
Retirement is good - if you make promises you can keep
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Smoking - Until recently I was on 40 cigars plus pipe smoking a day. Before I started that it was about 60 cigarettes a day. I tried all sorts to give up and nothing worked. Until now. I got me some eGo-T batteries and some CE4 clearomizers and have been puffing on vapour (with 12mg of nicotine) for just over 3 weeks now. It is working, I have no withdrawal symptoms and unlike the other times I tried to give up, do not want to commit mass murders. There are some who are against the use of ecigs and liquids but I have yet to see a plausible argument against them. It seems to me that the tobacco lobby are spreading BS because someone has come up with something that actually works.
"I have no idea what to do with all the other buttons - or what half of them mean." AND can't be bothered to read the notice? That's me to a tee.