Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Would you believe I have gone from months to moving to Kingston down to days until I move??? I can't believe it - the dream - the fantasy - it's almost here !

But there is one thing left to do - something W had talked to me about a year ago...... setting up a contract between us - laying out what's his .. what's mine...  

And despite years of doing what I thought was right - I have nothing to bring to this union.. only my pension and a few dollars in my pocket from the sale of my house - that I want to spend fixing up the backyard - putting in a new front door - nothing big.  I will bring just me to this union and my willingness to cook and clean and maintain ....

Basically this legal document is going to say I have no claim on anything.  Pointe finale.  Which makes me feel like everyone thinks I am a gold digger - gonna try and take W for all he's worth.. or try and get something from him after he's dead and buried.  

It all just kinda takes the excitement/shine off the fantasy / dream - ya know what I mean? 

I wish - in some stupid way - we could have a Master/slave relationship - one where He is responsible for me till I die..... and should He die before me - he would have me willed to some other Master for the duration of my life....... stupid eh?? yeah I know it's stupid and I know it's a fantasy that has no validation in this real world.  

I probably need a huge dose of "reality" ........... and that is what this legalese stuff is doing - making me face reality.


  1. you can ONLY be called a " gold digger " when there is gold and I assure you I haven't found any except for having a subbie like you...

    I am sorry that all this legal stuff has upset you to the point it has, I just wanted to make sure you were taken care of unlike those other " Masters " have in the past...


  2. hugs to you both.... i love your Sir's comment , about you being His gold.... enjoy the move and your happy ever after . YOU deserve it xxx

  3. I'm not sure I understand. I hope the two of you can figure out something that meets your needs (both of you).



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