Two weeks ago my pc sorta kinda blew up..... i took it to my local geek squad to get it fixed... it was supposed to take a couple of days......... so yesterday i figured i had been patient enough and called them. Turns out my pc doesn't want to be fixed.... BUT while i was dropping off the pc.... i saw and fell in love with this lil netbook. Sir says i am a total geek now... cause i am on the netbook all the time. BUT what isn't to love about something as small as a notebook and about as light??? BUT it isn't my pc.,.... with all my files.. with all my pictures ... with my email program...... never mind the fact my pc runs a whole lot faster than the netbook!!! So i am gonna have to start bugging the geek squad.. enough is enough!!
Youngest daughter has had it with being pregnant...... actually that's old news.. she was done about a month ago.........

now if that's not "done" i don't know what is..... Now just to make her life more exciting. her eldest son.. my first grandbaby.... came down with H1N1 this week....... (thankfully he seems to be improving slightly) Today she posted to face book that no one was allowed in their house ...... pigpen (youngest grandbaby - for the moment) is down with fever and Papa came home from work sick as a dog. Watch her go into labour this weekend........
Sir is up to His eye teeth in alligators........... He has been busting His you know what for the Legion .. trying to get poppies sold.. and get ready for the Remembrance Day parade / service this weekend......... i have piles of stuff to do around here.. and well one thing led to another and Sir and i are gonna stay in our separate houses this weekend and get stuff accomplished.. vanilla stuff obviously.
My baby brother is in town this weekend..... and i am hoping that Sir and i can have a "date" Saturday night and meet up with brother and his family for dinner.
And that's about it around here.. just a little bit of this and a little bit more of that....
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