This posting today may not be politically correct... it might even take on a bit of a rant quality.... You have been warned !!!
i read a posting from a list i am on...from a "newish" Dominant who was rambling on a bit about the BDSM lifestyle and how some of what He sees is not His kink - fine and good ! More power to Ya i say........ However He finished up by saying "as long as everything one does is "safe sane and consensual" ...... and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.........
Who got to define what is "safe" and "sane" for me?? The last time i looked that was Sir.. no one else.... Come on now folks.. let's take a little look at what we do and ask ourselves just how "safe and sane" it really is..........
fire play - oh yeah now that is really safe.. pouring alchol on our bodies and lighting it with a match - now that is really safe and most definitely sane !!!
needle play - yup.. sticking needles into various body parts is most definitely safe and sane....... yup yup yup!
electricity play ... now that one's a real winner for the "safe and sane" award isn't it?? tie one subbie down.... and apply electricity to various body parts .. especially the private parts....... hand that Dom the safe and sane award please..
breath play ........ oh yeah.. second runner up for that award.. tie up subbie .. maybe even fuck her to keep it interesting.. all the while you prevent her from breathing........ only allowing air just before she passes out.. or after.. if you are into the real extreme edge breath play......
Personally i believe the "safe and sane" philosophy came about to protect newbies... keep 'em away from the dangerous toys/games until they were ready (and yeah .. some of them are never ready.. ) much like we protect our children.. we don't hand kids matches and encourage them to play with fire do we??
AND i do believe i have found the reason i find public play and BDSM clubs so boring .. (at least here in my part of the Great White North)... at most of the BDSM clubs .. it is a stand and show theme.. everyone gets dressed up in their BDSM finery and stand around talking about BDSM... everyone ooooh's and ahhhh's over the outfits and everyone goes home happy. At the public play parties the most i have seen is some tied to a cross or spanking bench and receiving maybe 10 or 15 minutes of flogging or hand spanking...... a far cry from the more extreme "sports" .. and everyone oooohs and ahhhhhhhhs over the play. i suspect that many into the more extreme edge play do not frequent public play parties .. and if they do.. it is for the social interaction more than the play action.
Maybe this "safe and sane" philosophy helps the ones who aren't into edge play to point fingers and question how safe and sane So and So is?? Maybe it helps them feel superior?? Maybe it helps subbies who want a black list of Doms who don't play safe and sane...
But for me at least, "safe and sane" is not in the equation anymore..... if Sir declares He wishes to try something .. then i MUST trust that He has researched all facets of the play.. has learned the dangers.. and that above all else He will keep me safe... safe by OUR definition ..not some entity "out there" somewhere.......