Monday, May 23, 2005


Sir pointed out to me some time in the past few weeks that i have been saying "but Sir!!" every time i want my own way. ummmmmmmm (scratching head) have i really ??? Some serious soul searching has proven (once again) that Sir is correct. Soooooo i made myself a promise... i would try VERY hard to refrain from my "but Sirs".

It didn't prove that easy to do..... Like any good D/s relationship i have rules to live by.. one of them being a written journal must be sent to Sir each and every morning by 7:30 am at the latest. Monday to Friday is easy as i am up and at 'em bright and early during the week. BUT SIR !!! it isn't fair on the weekends to expect a journal by 7:30 am.. especially since You are here with me. Welllllllllllll i have been pushing that rule.. pushing it hard actually. Saturday morning i slept in..... wellllllllllll W/we had had a long hard session on Friday evening.... lasting well past my bedtime... and i was pooped.... i only woke up at 7:30
Saturday morning... so yeah my journal was late by 42 minutes. Consequence = 2 wacks with the punishment stick for each minute late... totalling 84!!!!! BUT SIR !!! it isn't fair !!!

But i assumed the position and counted off the 84 HARD whacks with the punishment stick. At first i whined and pouted.. then i stamped my foot a little bit.. then i wept but i didn't miss a count.... 84!!! AND i didn't say "BUT SIR!!!" out loud that is.... i think i should get a gold star for that .... i didn't .. but hey i thought i should have.

i read in another blog somewhere that the submissive believed that she should get a "get of jail free card" ummmmmmm now there's an idea!!! Pull it out.. plunk it down and skate past some infraction of the rules........

Only thing is i learned a vital lesson this past year while i have been coping with a not so serious but serious enough illness. i needed some stability in my life. And the rules and Sir's consequences were the stability i needed. Everything else in my life might be topsy turvy.. BUT the rules kept me focused and grounded.

Soooooooooo a get out of jail free card.. OR my "BUT SIRS" are just subbie grumblings....... i really am quite happy having my Sir push my limits... and enforce the rules.. and keep me on the straight and narrow...........

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