(warning this post is sexual in nature)
I have made a personal break through on orgasms........ though my scientific study probably looks more like this.............
than the above picture.
My sexual married life was ok......... yeah just ok.... we were young and very inexperienced and I was more than a little naive..............
Fast forward to my relationship with my ex Dom.... there was no penal intercourse ... he used fingers toys whatever was at hand. And yeah I thought it was pretty amazing cause I hadn't done much 'research' and certainly didn't know better.
Then after nearly 15 years of no penis..... along came Sir Steve............ and my research swung into high gear. Let's just say God endowed him bountifully (cheeky grin) and Sir Steve learned 'staying power" and more importantly he learned and thrives at "pleasing power".
I believed my orgasms had reached their pinnacle..... I had found the best of the best... I could now die happy.
BUT this summer I started to notice a different sort of orgasm......... bigger and more earth shattering orgasm -- fireworks and brain/bone/bed rattling orgasms.
I started to pay attention to what was happening........... how could I not??!! This was amazing and I wanted to figure out the trigger so I could have these amazing rare orgasms all the time (yeah I'm greedy like that )
it turns out that as Sir Steve is about to cum his penis grows even bigger and it vibrates -- yes vibrates!!! and his movements are more ummmmm intense and quicker and my body is forgotten in the building climax.............
when he cums........
OMG! my body spasms around him........ the heat pouring from him into me sends me into these brain/bone/bed rattling orgasms.......................
My scientific studies have been concluded.
I may not win the Noble Science award but does it matter when you have found such joy and contentment? I think not !
And so I leave you ladies to do your own scientific research...... and find the pinnacle of orgasms..........
Life is good when the orgasms are the best.
This blog is intended for adults only. It may contain BDSM content from time to time.

Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Daily News
I met the new doctor and survived the "meet and greet" and passed the criteria they have for new patients -- basically it boiled down to not arguing with their philosophy of medicine.
That philosophy boils down to they don't give antibiotics out like candy for every ache and pain... they don't prescribe medicine unless you really need it -- and they want to work with their patients to keep them off meds/get them off meds through healthy living. For example -- he believes he can get me off my BP meds if I lose another 10 pounds and continue exercising. RIGHT!! I'm all for getting off my meds.
BUT the problem came when he wanted to take me off some meds I am on for anxiety. The doc in Kingston tried and I balked... I am not addicted to them so shove off was my attitude. When this doctor said I would have to come off -- I started to cry I couldn't imagine not having my pills. He quietly pointed out that THAT reaction was the addiction. He also pointed out that since I was prescribed this drug some 15 years ago they have discovered that as one grows older it causes memory loss, confusion and episodes of falling. Ok then -- he might have a point. He also said he was not going to just take them away from me -- it would take at least a year to get me off them and while we were working to stop them he would be introducing another drug to help with my anxiety.
Ya know what?
sounded like a brilliant idea -- I want to stay as healthy and as young as I can for as long as I can.... I have a wonderful man in my life who is considerably younger than I am and I would like to turn back the clock nearly every day.......... I even agreed to all the pre-screening tests I have been avoiding for the last 5 years or so.........
This doc decided to take me on --
I decided to take him on -- based mostly on the fact he got my sense of humour !
Yesterday I took a bunch of stuff back to the city to store for the winter -- and did loads and loads of laundry. I packed up warmer clothes for myself and the lil one (who will be with us for one more weekend) and DAMN I am glad I did.
Yesterday it was sweltering hot -- 40 something Celsius with the humidex -- and today - in comparison - it feels it might snow!!!
It's a long weekend coming up - lots of celebrations around the campsite and we would love to get to Upper Canada Village (historical site for those who don't know) for the horse show on Sunday.
Monday we'll be heading back to town to get the lil one ready to start school on Tuesday...........
Back to routine.......... and as much as I have loved my lazy summer it will be good to get back to routines and exercise and sensible eating (especially if I am gonna lose another 10 pounds or so)
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
I have been here with Sir Steve for a little over a year. I still have not found a family doctor. (insert huge sigh)
Due to the lack of doctors one can get prescriptions renewed at the local medical clinic and have the usual aches/pains/illnesses checked by the doctor on duty. But I really want/need a family doctor.
Last spring I went with Sir Steve to an appointment with his family doctor -- hoping against hope that she would take me on as a patient. Unfortunately she couldn't but did tell me to call in June as two new doctors would be joining the practice and I would be assigned to one of them.
I called in June.
I was told that there were 300 people ahead of me on the waiting list !! WTF??!!
I did however get a call about a month ago to set up an appointment for today.... YIPPEE!!
Except it was for a "meet and greet". What the hell is a 'meet and greet'?? Apparently I go in -- fill in a multitude of forms -- get my BP taken and height and weight done... and then meet with the doctor. He then decides if he will take me on as a new patient.
I have never EVER heard of such a thing. He gets to decide if he will take me -- over someone else?! (see me stamp my foot a little bit?) I keep thinking what if I turn the tables and ask him WHY he should be MY doctor rather than why I should be his patient??
(don't think that will earn me any brownie points -- or for that matter a doctor)
So I am off to shower and clean myself up from this crazy camp lady - to a mature conservative lady looking for a doctor......... I promised myself I won't be my usual sarcastic self......... at least until they (hopefully) agree to take me on.......
Wish me luck -- I would very much like to have a doctor all my own.............
Monday, August 27, 2018
End of Season
Honestly it feels like only a month ago I was packing up all the summer stuff -- all the camping stuff -- and moving it to the campgrounds.
And here it is -- the last 8 days of seasonal camping -- and I am packing everything up to take back to the city.
It has been a much better summer than last year for sure -- better weather wise and better ex-inlaw wise...... This morning the campground is nearly empty.. it's quiet and just a liittle bit depressing.
Actually I have been a bit low/depressed for the last couple of weeks -- weepy and irritable and the panic attacks have been just on the edges of my being -- making my heart pound for no reason ..... making me jittery and on edge... making me anxious for Sir Steve to return from work..... he is my rock ........ the one being who grounds me and chases my anxieties away.
I'm sad to see the summer come to an end.......... end of 'wine time' ...end of night time fires..... end to long summer days...... end to no schedules and lazy times.
It's been a good summer......... no a great summer!! but all good things must come to an end eventually.
Time to start thinking and planning for Christmas (cheeky grin)...... until it's time to once again start the planning for another summer in the country.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Two More Weeks..........
I woke up the other night and realized there are just 2 more weeks of full time camp life. Then we head back to the city for the start of school. The nice thing is I don't have to go 'cold turkey'..... we do spend 3 weekends here in September.............
There's no denying the summer is coming to an end..... the mornings are chilly as I sit out on our deck with my morning coffee and the evening fires require socks and long pants.
It has been (for the most part) a glorious summer!! Lots of sun and heat and reading and campfires and barbecues and wine and rest.
It has been amazing to have eldest daughter and her husband camping just across the way from us. We have shared weekend campfires, lots of laughs and the occasional adventure together.
As the season draws to an end -- I am already thinking about next summer -- and praying softly that Sir Steve and I are blessed enough to have many more happy summers here at the campgrounds together ...................
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Emotional Merry Go Round
Weddings make me emotional........ weddings for my daughters make me doubly emotional ..... and cause me to not think too logically
It didn't help that I overheard the tail end of a comment made by Sir Steve at the wedding about missing having a wedding ring on his finger -- and all I could think (being my insecure emotional self) he wants his wedding ring from his ex ???!!
That insecurity grew and doubled in size -- hell it tripled in size.......
'maybe he doesn't want to marry me
maybe he doesn't want 'forever' with me
maybe he doesn't want to declare his love for me publicly'
(remember I said my insecurities were playing havoc with my logic brain)
I kept thinking IF we were married then ............ (I'm not even sure what the then would be)...... I kept thinking that being married doesn't mean it'll last forever -- hell our track record (Sir Steve's and mine) is living proof of that. I kept thinking 'BUT I want to marry him -- how weird is that??!! having proclaimed I would never marry again!!
Being married wouldn't change anything -- not one little thing........... our relationship wouldn't be magically better ... our relationship wouldn't be any stronger .... or weaker... people wouldn't see us any differently.........
The wedding band wouldn't change anything ....... A N Y T H I N G!.... except maybe complicate things if it ever ended..... shrug
I would be the 'wife' and he would be the 'husband' and strangers would understand...... "girlfriend boyfriend" are teenager terms ... not for mature adults
and maybe I just want to hear him ask me to be his -- to marry him ....... ya know?
Monday, August 13, 2018
Long Long LONG two weeks
Two weekends ago we had the little one AND Sir Steve's parents -- from Thursday till Sunday (it was supposed to be Monday -- but they didn't like the heat)
They don't particularly like the trailer (even though they could have stayed at a very nice motel 5 minutes away) so I dragged clothes and food back to the city. I was told they would arrive between 1 and 3..... I was in the city at the crack of dawn to clean the house - make up the guest room -- and prepare an elaborate dinner.
Sir Steve showed up from work before they arrived -- sometime around 5:30
I won't give you a play by play -- but honestly I was left feeling nothing I (we) did was good enough......... the food ... the entertainment ... even the highland games. I was not disappointed when they left a day early.
Then I had 4 days to get ready for my daughter's wedding........ with the little one 'helping me'.
The wedding was Saturday -- and considering everything that could have gone wrong -- it went off without a hitch. The sun shone -- the family showed up -- the caterers showed up -- the officiant showed up. I was proud of how I dressed up the campsite with decorations turning it from a humble campground into a rustic wedding venue.
The only drama per say during the wedding was when of my daughter's dogs (all dogs were being dog sat on our site) got stung by a wasp and we discovered we had a HUGE wasps nest under our deck.
Sunday was supposed to be our (Sir Steve and mine) trip to Quebec to pick up supplies -- but the newlyweds stopped over after breakfast and we didn't get away till around 1sh -- we got stuck in traffic coming and going -- and still had to pick up wasp killer .......
Last night before we could fall into bed Sir Steve had to spray the wasp's nest........ which didn't go exactly as planned.......... (le sigh) and it was after 10 before we fell into bed.
This morning before the sun was up Sir Steve's alarm went off -- he didn't wake up. I did though. So I got him up and eventually joined him out on the deck with a coffee in hand in the dark before the dawn..............
Today I have to head back into the city -- truthfully we have run out of clean clothes and are almost out of food.
My grandmother's words keep rattling around in my head "No rest for the wicked"
Know what I need????
I need a holiday ....... a long solitary holiday .......... and peace and quiet...... with no one expecting anything of me.
I am exhausted.
Wednesday, August 01, 2018
Has It been that long???
Last year and this year I insisted on internet at the campsite! If I was gonna be up here 24/7 for over 2 months I was not gonna do away with all things 'civilized' .
My plan was to continue writing a blog every day ......... except I forgot to add the lil one into the equation...... mornings when she is here I barely have time to wash my face or brush my teeth.
BUT I do have every other week to myself -- so I would write my blog and catch up on everyone else's blog then.
Except........ I haven't.
I sat down on Monday to write and stared at the blank screen. What had happened that was even a teeny tiny bit interesting??
Life is very vanilla........ even the sex is pretty vanilla. Life is routine. How boring is that??!!
I'm understanding (maybe too much so) - Sir Steve works long hours and commutes from the country to the city for work..... he gets home hot and tired.......
Too show you how much time I have on my hands -- the weeks I don't have the lil one I am averaging a book every two days....... yes reading is now my best friend.
That is not to say we haven't done anything -- cause we have....... we went to Rib Fest on the Weekend ..... we have taken the dog to the dog park... we have had wine and campfires ...... we have enjoyed the sunshine and the heat.
OH one night Sir Steve did pull out the knives up here
and we did/do have amazing earth shattering sex (just not enough of it)
I sound like I am bitching doesn't it??!!
Wait it gets better.....
I had an adult weekend planned for this weekend -- it's Sir Steve's birthday. We were gonna escape -- get a motel -- go to the Glengarry Highland Games -- eat sleep and f*ck. Except he told his father about the games and his father said "we'll be there".
SO........ his parents arrive tomorrow -- and will be staying with us right through Monday. Now I am trying to plan meals and more meals and even more meals -- get the house cleaned spotless and the trailer (cause they will be here on Friday for the day) and figure out what clothes (for 3 of us) to take back to the city and what food stuffs need to be brought back to the city for the long weekend........ GAH!!
Then next week is my eldest daughter's wedding.............
And before ya know it the summer will be over..............
an entry in my blog was long over due -- and maybe it should have been even more overdue -- cause it does sound a little "woe's me" ............
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