Monday, August 27, 2018

End of Season

Honestly it feels like only a month ago I was packing up all the summer stuff -- all the camping stuff -- and moving it to the campgrounds.  

And here it is -- the last 8 days of seasonal camping -- and I am packing everything  up to take back to the city.

It has been a much better summer than last year for sure -- better weather wise and better ex-inlaw wise...... This morning the campground is nearly empty.. it's quiet and just a liittle bit depressing.  

Actually I have been a bit low/depressed for the last couple of weeks -- weepy and irritable and the panic attacks have been just on the edges of my being -- making my heart pound for no reason ..... making me jittery and on edge... making me anxious for Sir Steve to return from work..... he is my rock ........ the one being who grounds me and chases my anxieties away.

I'm sad to see the summer come to an end.......... end of 'wine time' ...end of night time fires..... end to long summer days...... end to no schedules and lazy times.

It's been a good summer......... no a great summer!! but all good things must come to an end eventually.

Time to start thinking and planning for Christmas (cheeky grin)...... until it's time to once again start the planning for another summer in the country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morningstar,

    Sorry you seem to be suffering end of summer blues. Glad you have had a wonderful summer. I am so looking forward to it arriving here!



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