Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More Work

(day 7)
I have been working with my macro lens - learned some interesting things.......... 

for example took the lens to a "miniatures show" and wasn't thrilled with the outcome - partially - I believe - because I couldn't get close enough to the displays....... also it didn't help the displays were all (mostly all) encased in glass.................

However I did manage to get some so/so shots of a pretty tulip.............

and my work continues


  1. Ordalie10:50 pm

    I just love the first picture: no reflection whatsoever on the glass, so it seems you didn't use a flash. I have a soft spot for miniatures; I once found an American miniature school desk in a junk sale here. The lower part is made of cast iron. Later I found a similar one on for $70. I got mine for $14, yay!

  2. Ordalie - no I don't ever use flash not even at night - I am working on using the shutter speed and the aperture settings so I don't need a flash.

  3. Well I think the tulips look great, so there, what's all this so so malarkey? You underestimate yourself.


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