Monday, May 19, 2014

Busy Beaver

(notice his tail - a Canadian delicacy)

I have been chomping at the bit to get outside and work in my gardens..... I had started on Thursday - but didn't come close to finishing.  Friday it rained......... so Saturday bright and early I was outside working in my gardens.

Then Saturday evening we had a munch to go to... which is always fun.......... though this one did involve a wee bit of drama - but what is life without drama right???  After the munch we went back to a friend's for coffee........... I had been feeling a little punky during dinner but didn't want  to say anything (it would pass right??)  Anyway - when we got to the friend's I discovered I was bleeding :(   I am guessing I may have done a wee bit too much heavy work - digging and weeding.  

Sunday was a designated rest day - to heal my old body.............. and I did rest!!  I even have proof...................

And then Sunday afternoon we HAD to head out to a local parking lot.............. it is the start of the food truck season and MY all time favourite food truck was paying a weekend visit to Kingston........... 

What is my all time favourite food truck you ask???

BEAVER TAILS............ yeah you read that right beaver tails - we Canadians are an odd lot ... and have interesting delicacies (cheeky grin)

Ok no more leading you on............ our beaver tails are actually a puffy fried dough that they top with any number of toppings....... like cinnamon and brown sugar - OR my favourite - caramel ......

I had planned in my head for day 12 of the 365 I would take a picture of a beaver tail.......... but truthfully  when I got mine all I could think about was eating it ........ so today's photo is the  food truck and W gobbling up his tail.............. 


Our weekend - technically - isn't over yet.  It's Victoria Day weekend - the official start to Canadian summer.  Despite the dark threatening clouds I am hoping to head down to Lake Ontario Park and get some pictures of the festivities today and maybe even try my hand at taking pics of the fire works tonite................... 

And that was our weekend - a busy beaver weekend.


  1. Morningstar, you had me going there for a second. After you set me straight I now want a Beaver Tail, looks delicious.Aren't food trucks great! Can't wait to see the pictures from the event at Lake Ontario. Take it easy girl, don't over do.

    Hugs, Sharon

  2. I watched an episode of Michael Smith's show Chef at Large when he visited a group of native people and samples their traditional delicacies. One was a real beaver tail. It was very tough and rubbery, but he bravely swallowed it.



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