It is definitely one of those ...." i don't think we're in Kansas anymore toto".. days
The picture i put up is not poor photography.. but a good example of my blurry memories of the last two days.....
Friday night strung up to the chains in the ceiling.. not feeling at all like i really wanted to do this.. feeling so much like the post i posted about not a virgin anymore having a great deal to do with this session... feeling a bit put out.. and tired and yeah i will admit it bored.......it was a really hard session with me white knuckling it.. and bitching and complaining i was turning into a wimp.. and oh my god!! how could we go to camp ... no how could *i* go to camp in this piss poor shape.... and then Sir taking me down from the chains.. and my telling Him my right shoulder hurt.. and i had no feeling down the arm into the fingers.. and i remember Him telling me that i had collapsed in the chains.. perhaps a little too hard.. a little too fast.. for the shoulder to compensate.. i remember Sir rubbing it and massaging it... i remember Sir bringing me upstairs and getting me juice to raise the blood sugar and help soothe the throat that had screeched and yelped and cried out till the voice box was sore and as bruised as my ass..
i remember Saturday.. me being a tad cheeky.. stripped naked working on the mountain/tunnel - naked to avoid ruining yet one more outfit with the plaster - and pulling the silly train engineer's cap on.. wiggling my ass at Sir.. just being plain cheeky (and yes i meant the pun!!!) i remember asking for permission to curl up outside under the umbrella in the secret garden to read after lunch.. curled up.. like a cat in a sunbeam.. lapping up the words in my book... and Sir appearing in the door frame.. clover clamps in hand.. coming out and slapping them on my nipples.. evil grin.. saying "come and find me in 30 minutes" .. i remember struggling to focus on the words.. the deep burning pain in my nipples making it next to impossible to think about much other than breathing.. feeling the nipples leaking..... (yeah yeah - 25 years after i breast fed my last child and i still have times when the nipples leak!!) i remember Sir gently removing the clovers .. and the searing pain that shot up into my underarms.. into my breasts... bringing real tears .. rivers of wetness sliding down my cheeks.. and Sir pulling me into His arms wrapping me up tight in His embrace.. whispering in my ear that i had made Him proud....
And i remember being ordered - later on when i should have been making dinner - over the sofa.. and Sir's hand spreading me wide apart.. feeling Sir kneeling between my legs.. feeling my ass against Him.. feeling His hand entering me.. feeling it find the spot! hearing the sloshing sounds (that ohhhhhhh so embarrass me) begging to cum... and then being in the kitchen .. making dinner like nothing at all had happened.. feeling my wetness still streaming down my legs.. smelling my smell...............
And later still.. curled up watching TV with one eye and trying to finish my book with the other... Sir ordering me downstairs.. and i went.. feeling more focused now.. ready for what may come.. feeling cheeky and bratty and oh so looking forward to this..
Telling Sir (as He strung me up to the chains one more time) that i was working on a "no play list"... and proceeded to tell Him which toys were NOT to be used (like i had a chance in hell of being listened to!!! other than to humour me) .. He gave me a choice.. blind fold or gag.. i chose blind fold.. and darkness descended.. making it more difficult to know what was or was not... feeling the clover clamps rubbing over my nipples.. hearing myself beg piteously NOT THE CLAMPS PLEASE!!! my nipples still dimpled and sore ....
Smells.. i remember my smell filling the room.. i remember feeling the wetness leaking down my legs.. i remember wishing i could feel Sir inside me.. scratching the itch deep inside me.. but mostly i remember my smell...
And then ... i remember morning.. and wondering how i came to be tucked up in bed .. peaking out from heavy eyes to see sunshine streaming in the window.. feeling heavy limbed .. foggy brained.. and oh so right with the world............
The picture i put up is not poor photography.. but a good example of my blurry memories of the last two days.....
Friday night strung up to the chains in the ceiling.. not feeling at all like i really wanted to do this.. feeling so much like the post i posted about not a virgin anymore having a great deal to do with this session... feeling a bit put out.. and tired and yeah i will admit it bored.......it was a really hard session with me white knuckling it.. and bitching and complaining i was turning into a wimp.. and oh my god!! how could we go to camp ... no how could *i* go to camp in this piss poor shape.... and then Sir taking me down from the chains.. and my telling Him my right shoulder hurt.. and i had no feeling down the arm into the fingers.. and i remember Him telling me that i had collapsed in the chains.. perhaps a little too hard.. a little too fast.. for the shoulder to compensate.. i remember Sir rubbing it and massaging it... i remember Sir bringing me upstairs and getting me juice to raise the blood sugar and help soothe the throat that had screeched and yelped and cried out till the voice box was sore and as bruised as my ass..
i remember Saturday.. me being a tad cheeky.. stripped naked working on the mountain/tunnel - naked to avoid ruining yet one more outfit with the plaster - and pulling the silly train engineer's cap on.. wiggling my ass at Sir.. just being plain cheeky (and yes i meant the pun!!!) i remember asking for permission to curl up outside under the umbrella in the secret garden to read after lunch.. curled up.. like a cat in a sunbeam.. lapping up the words in my book... and Sir appearing in the door frame.. clover clamps in hand.. coming out and slapping them on my nipples.. evil grin.. saying "come and find me in 30 minutes" .. i remember struggling to focus on the words.. the deep burning pain in my nipples making it next to impossible to think about much other than breathing.. feeling the nipples leaking..... (yeah yeah - 25 years after i breast fed my last child and i still have times when the nipples leak!!) i remember Sir gently removing the clovers .. and the searing pain that shot up into my underarms.. into my breasts... bringing real tears .. rivers of wetness sliding down my cheeks.. and Sir pulling me into His arms wrapping me up tight in His embrace.. whispering in my ear that i had made Him proud....
And i remember being ordered - later on when i should have been making dinner - over the sofa.. and Sir's hand spreading me wide apart.. feeling Sir kneeling between my legs.. feeling my ass against Him.. feeling His hand entering me.. feeling it find the spot! hearing the sloshing sounds (that ohhhhhhh so embarrass me) begging to cum... and then being in the kitchen .. making dinner like nothing at all had happened.. feeling my wetness still streaming down my legs.. smelling my smell...............
And later still.. curled up watching TV with one eye and trying to finish my book with the other... Sir ordering me downstairs.. and i went.. feeling more focused now.. ready for what may come.. feeling cheeky and bratty and oh so looking forward to this..
Telling Sir (as He strung me up to the chains one more time) that i was working on a "no play list"... and proceeded to tell Him which toys were NOT to be used (like i had a chance in hell of being listened to!!! other than to humour me) .. He gave me a choice.. blind fold or gag.. i chose blind fold.. and darkness descended.. making it more difficult to know what was or was not... feeling the clover clamps rubbing over my nipples.. hearing myself beg piteously NOT THE CLAMPS PLEASE!!! my nipples still dimpled and sore ....
Smells.. i remember my smell filling the room.. i remember feeling the wetness leaking down my legs.. i remember wishing i could feel Sir inside me.. scratching the itch deep inside me.. but mostly i remember my smell...
And then ... i remember morning.. and wondering how i came to be tucked up in bed .. peaking out from heavy eyes to see sunshine streaming in the window.. feeling heavy limbed .. foggy brained.. and oh so right with the world............
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