i did manage to get blogger working again.. it wasn't blogger.. it was IE.. i somehow or other managed to corrupt a file or two.. don't ask me how.. don't ask me why......it probably has to do with this topsy turvy world......i totally gave up trying to fix it and just downloaded a new browser...
This weekend Sir and i are off to our nation's capital for a private play party.. ask me if i am excited!!! i desperately need some normalcy back in my life.. it feels like a life time since i last knelt at Sir's feet... i am ready to pack.. load the car and disappear into the wild blue yonder for 24 hours.. get my endophin fix.. get my Sir fix.. and turn my world back around and set it on its axis again...
Hopefully by the end of the weekend my brain will be back on its axis.. and the words will once again flow freely from my fingers to the screen........ for now.. i am just holding on to the edge of this topsy turvy world...........
I've been having this problem ever since my hysterectomy. I don't stretch anymore, anything even moderate in size in me is extremely painful. Apparently there are ways around this but think I am going to have to eventually talk to a doctor about it.