i know .. it has been ages since i posted... and i wish i had something juicy to blog about.. or something funny to blog about.. or something painful to blog about.. something/anything to blog about.......
Problem is... there just doesn't seem to be a whole lot of anything happening around here.......... On the BDSM front.. let's see.. Sir bound my breasts on Saturday for an hour...... and had me wear chopsticks for 30 minutes on Sunday while i did the ironing........ and that's it...
we held our monthly munch yesterday.. and had all of 10 people show up... i keep wondering if it is worth the headaches/time and trouble to organise them.... Sir says "what work?? what trouble??" sigh..
On the family front.. eldest daughter gave youngest daughter a baby shower on Saturday... and the new baby is due sometime in the next 2 - 3 weeks depending on whom you talk to....
i am antsy and frustrated and needy .. one of THOSE moods that i write about so frequently.. (it seems to me anyway).. and i can't help but wonder .. what's the point??? (to write about it i mean) .. Problem is.. i have this fantasy life style in my head... and it just doesn't translate to real life... others may seem to have it.. but it is always just out of reach for me... a fantasy... and maybe that is where it should stay .... a fantasy?? most fantasies don't translate well into real life - for me anyway....
Sir made suggestions on the weekend.. like when my breasts were bound He wondered out loud what would happen if He did some needle play on them.. while He was making the suggestion i was thinking oh wow lets do it !! Sir on the other hand worried about blood spurting out and the clean up afterwards...
On Sunday i think Sir said something about some knife play.. and i almost dared Him to do it.. but then ya know you are gonna have blood spurts and clean up to deal with.........
i even cleaned the playroom up all nice for the weekend..... but we never even ventured down there....... when i did the laundry i swear i could hear the toys calling to me.. but i know it must have just been my imagination.. toys don't call out.. don't tempt you.. don't raise your dreams/expectations...
Anyway....... fantasies can be fun as well as frustrating.. they are good to snuggle up with and dream about........ babies come when they are good and ready........ and patience (as my grandmother used to say) is a virtue.. i will work on my patience virtue..........
i'm a quiet spectator too but i'm still around and very looking forward to more :o)