Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tough Day Ahead - Updated

I am back from the test - which turned out to be minor surgery.  The news wasn't GREAT - but it wasn't bad bad either.  The cancer was back - but the doc was able to remove it in the office (can I say OUCH)... I am now on "light duties" for a couple of days (as I sit and stare at all the boxes yet to be unpacked)  AND I am back to going for tests every 3 months - instead of inching forward to once a year..............
Today is my 6month check for cancer. Like always I am "scared shitless".

I keep thinking I don't think I could handle a reappearance of the cancer - not now - not when I am trying to stand on my own two feet - sometimes pretending I have this "living alone" under control....... but mostly feeling just a little lost and stupid and overwhelmed.

So if you could just keep me in your thoughts today - I think I could use all the positive vibes I can get.........

My mantra for today is - I CAN do this !! I can I can I can...........


  1. Hi i will be thinking of you. I know how this feels but I am twelve years on and hopefully one day so will you be
    love Jan,xx

  2. All will be well, if you just remember to breath!!


  3. I had hoped to think of some wonderful helpful comforting eloquent thing to say. Just know that I am thinking of you. I'll be saying a few prayers for you today.

  4. Will be thinking of you.

    Love and hugs,

  5. Will be thinking of you.

    Love and hugs,

  6. Lots of hugs. Please do take it easy you must rest even if unpacking boxes seems tempting. XxX

  7. oh bless you,that's hard, hope you can take it easy for a bit
    love Jan,xx


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