Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Smoke and mirrors

As i have stated before..... the internet is a place of smoke and mirrors... Sometimes it is very difficult to separate the truth from fiction... i have been caught once (so far) reading a blog i swore was true........ admittedly at times, things were just a little too good to be true..... but the author was very good at the smoke and mirrors and it didn't take much to pull me back in..... The day that it came to light that this blog was nothing more than fiction...... a fantasy...... i was shocked.. i was angry .. i was disappointed.

Now Cloud and Sir and i tend to read the same blogs.. if we find a new blog that shows promise .. or is interesting... we refer each other to it... This has definitely widened my reading spectrum ....... and the farther afield one goes.. the more chance (i have discovered) of finding smoke and mirror blogs...........

i am beginning to think i am naive... not very blog wise .... i tend to believe what i read.... at least until the drama gets too much to possibly be real.......... and the funny thing is........ i get angry when i discover that someone i have been reading has been lying all the time....... i feel conned.. i feel betrayed.. i feel cheated. And the very worst part of all this.. i start to question every thing i read.......... truth or fiction??? (oh there are some that i know in my heart of hearts are real........ but the others??)

And so dear hearts.. i have edited my links of blogs i read......... i have cut them down to a small handful of REAL people blogs...... (a couple have been removed because they have taken their blogs down NOT because they weren't real)

Smoke and mirrors ...... the great fraud of the 21st century..........


  1. Dear, dear morningstar -- I am so sorry for the sense of feeling betrayed and hurt by the reality of blog dishonesty. I know I've gone back and forth about what to do about the issue of blog links. I'm currently on the other end of the pendulum swing. So, my blogroll has the folks I actually read at the top of the list, and then a whole lot of "whatever links down below... Except for a few folks that I wouldn't link to if HELL froze over, I'm just tired of trying to edit the damn list. Let the chips fall where they may. Life is just too short.


  2. The truth always comes out.

  3. Bummer, reality bites, but join the real world. I automatically doubt everything I read unless it's from an absolute reliable source. I'm sorry you're crushed though. Yep and the truth will come out in such a way as the author sees fit I would imagine.

    Constructed realities are like that.

  4. Anonymous8:02 am

    i actually am the opposit i think of you. i read and think everything is fiction, i suppose that is very untrusting of me. it's just so hard to tell, and yes the feeling of betrayal when you have devoted time, and sometimes your own words to someone's blog, only to find it is all just their imagination, is hurtful.

    alluring red

  5. Thank you for sharing,

    The gift of you....

  6. Anonymous1:03 am

    Thank you. If I were going to make up a life it sure as heck wouldn't be the one I write.

    Sometimes, you just know something is real, sometimes you want to believe it real and sometimes, it is too real to be real. It is the way it is. Buffalo has a point, the truth always comes out, one way or another.

    I tend to be a mix of trust and distrust. I give everyone a passing amount of trust, but I take it with a grain of salt. When i find a new blog, I read it start to up to date. If there are things that don't mesh...such as a woman who writes about how she and her hubby never drink coffee and then mention a favorite (daily) coffee shop some posts later...well, people tend to forget what they wrote and it is always the small things that show it.

    What you see is what you get, the good and the bad. Thank you, it means a great deal to me to be counted as one of your friends.



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