Sir needed some space this weekend to deal with His own emotional overload (concerns about His mom etc) well He wrote all about it in His blog..... and i wanted to be a good subbie and give Him all the space He needed.. i deliberately put my needs and wants on the back burner.. i (kinda) lied to Him and said i was glad He would be at home this weekend that it would give me time to get a whole mess of chores / tasks done around here.. i did my "tough old bird" imitation.. (a good one too !!!) BUT the truth of the matter was.. every time i went by a window i would glance out and see .. IF by some stupid chance .. Sir had changed His mind and had jumped in the car and come........ but all i saw when i looked out was an empty parking space..... and my throat would get tight.. and the tears would threaten to spill over...
Sunday morning i was all ready for Sir ... i kept checking my email.. and there was nothing..more than a few times i checked the phones to make sure they were working.. and they were.. but not a word from Sir.. i couldn't figure out what was wrong.... wasn't He going to invite me on Sunday?? the morning stretched into the afternoon........ and now i was worried.. i hadn't heard from Him.. and He hadn't picked up His emails....... my imagination went into over drive... something HAD to be seriously wrong........ so i text messaged Him.. SILENCE. Finally i picked up the phone and called Him direct....... He was fine (my heart started to beat again... and of course i cried - i always cry when things are fine.. i am a woman after all !!!) Sir sounded down... i got the distinct impression He was disappointed i hadn't come to Him on Saturday ... (colour me shocked ) It was a brief call and when i hung up i sat staring at the computer screen for all of 2 minutes then i went into over drive.......... i fed the cats .. jumped in a shower... grabbed some clothes.. grabbed the strawberries i had bought for Sir and jumped in the car........ thank goodness my lil red honda has two speeds fast and FASTER... i was ringing Sir's doorbell in 30 minutes with my heart pounding..
Sir and i spent just over 2 hours together.. snuggling..eating barbque chicken.. me getting my ass whalloped (just to keep me in line) and laughing together.. i so needed that time with Sir and i am pretty sure He needed that time with me........
i can only hope Sir and i learned more about communication skills this weekend..... and i can only hope that my lil visit helped put a little sun in His day............
God i LOVE this man i call Sir..........
(oh yeah.. yesterday i posted some pics to the photojournal........ Sir would love to have my nipples pierced and is always sending me pics of jewelry - He knows how much i LOVE jewelry and i think is hoping one of these pics will win out over my fear of having it done)
Say what you mean and mean what you say. I guess that's a little easier said than done at times.