Sunday, May 07, 2006

Rambling Road

On April 28th 2005 i started this journal........ i had no idea where it would go.... or if - like so many others - i would take it down by the first anniversary.......... Last weekend the journey got a little bumpy.. a little rough.. and i needed to take some time to back away from both the public and private sides of my life .. to take a deep long look at who i was.. where i was going and the biggest question .. WHY.

i was intensely sad last weekend and part of this week - not depressed! - but does not always give us what we want........ and strange as this may sound coming from someone who is posting about their life .. i am an intensely private person... what i share here in The Journey .. is a portion of a portion of my life. So i guess at times when one tries to view my life .. it is a bit like looking a jigsaw puzzle with patches missing.......

i believe Sir and i have found O/our way back to journey we set out on together nearly 5 years ago. It was just a speed bump in the road of life... ok i'll admit.. it was a little bigger speed bump than most.. but nevertheless still just a speed bump.

And now i am ready to start blogging for the second year....... i only ask that you - dear readers - keep in mind this is my "public journey" (as i said in the first blog of The Journey) ... small peeks into the private life of a collared submissive.

(just for fun .. i have posted some pics to my photojournal)


  1. Anonymous11:21 am

    I'm so glad you made it over the speedbump. We all hit them. You'll be stronger together for having made it through. :-)



  2. Glad you're feeling better.


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