Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sure signs of spring..

The calendar may dictate when Spring arrives...

Mother Nature may control the actual arrival of spring ...

BUT for me the sure sign of the arrival of spring is:

1) the loud honking of the geese as they arrive back after their winter hiatus...

2) a robin

and 3) our packing our bags for a trip up to our Nation's Capital to a play party!

Last weekend i saw my first robin.................

This morning standing outside i heard - then saw - the geese returning..........

And our bags are packed 'cause we are off to the spring play party today in our Nation's Capital...

So i guess i can honestly say - Spring has arrived here in the Great White North !!!


  1. Spring is good!! Wish we have geese here, would be nice to watch! This being unpredictable old Britain, the weather is oscillating between very nice and sunny, and wet and miserable, from one hour to the next. Very unpredictable!! We have a cold spell forcasted for next week though. =( Enjoy your play party!

  2. jelly - lol - any time i have been to Britain.. be it in the spring.. or in the summer.. it has rained and been bloody cold !!! Britain has sunshine??? has warmth?? (cheeky grin)

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  3. Party in the Nations Capital???

    You can't party at home?

  4. Serious Black.. you are new around here.. i am assuming your comments are meant to be funny???


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