Friday, August 13, 2021

Talking About Sex......



Yesterday Fondles was talking about sex...... well sort of... kinda? and it got me thinking about how people don't talk about sex between friends.  OH if they do (in my experience) it's usually joking or a double entendre.

A few years ago I was at the doctor's with Sir Steve ... we had some questions relating to sex...... and I was surprised how shy?? reticent?? he was to discuss it with the doctor!  (colour me shocked) So yeah I can and will discuss sex freely and openly.


when it comes to double entendres - I often am left wondering why folks are snickering...

let me give you an example.........

Last weekend we (eldest daughter, SIL, and Sir Steve) were sitting around the fire and I don't remember how/why but I was describing how I eat an O'Henry chocolate bar........ 

"first I suck all the chocolate off...........
then I carefully nibble all the nuts.......
And then.......... oh YUM
I'm left with the fudge.... it's SO good!"

At that point I'm aware of Sir Steve grinning from ear to ear.. my SIL has this wicked devilish grin.. and my daughter is actually giggling.......... and I am sitting there for a couple of minutes wondering what's happening - then I got it...OMG dirty minds!! (grinning) 

So can you / do you openly discuss sex??  


  1. Hi Morningstar,

    I think for the most part you are right, most people don't talk openly about sex. I have had the occasional discussion with friends, but in the main most conversations are of the sort you describe.

    Fortunately though, the one person I do talk openly with is Rick, which is a good thing. I think too many couples are unable to talk about sex.


    1. I agree with you Roz Sir Steve and I talk openly about sex
      Took me awhile to open up but with his encouragement I am much better now

  2. That's what I love about the blogs when I first began. No one talked about sex in real life but here... we went into detail about all kinds of sex, anal, oral, we talked about positions, pool sex, out in the great outdoor sex, butt plugs, cock rings. I think I got most of my true sex education at the age of 50 right here on the blogs. But honestly as we got to know one another better the detailed sex talked dwindled. Strange how that happens.

    1. PK
      I never felt comfortable on my blog talking plainly/bluntly about sex acts I didn't want to give fodder for the wankers

  3. Morningstar,

    I think that is the best part for the Sheriff and I, way more discussions about sex (with lots of entendres mixed in!!!) But we are more focused on how/why/where things work for us. It has been fabulous...grin.

    As for discussions in RL with friends, I guess my friends are a little more free. I have a couple that we are straight up about sex with. It is nice to have them to discuss things I will admit.

    Of course, you and a few others in blog land make it even easier since you can't see me blush!


  4. I was listening to a conversation on the radio this morning about emojis and how young people interpret them differently than older people. I learned that the eggplant emoji is supposed to be a penis. The guy on the radio couldn't believe it and I didn't either. He said he grew them, but maybe he picked them too soon. Now if it had been a zucchini emoji...


  5. Thanks for the mention. I suppose i never had a problem talking about sex, but I would soon realise that my friends got uncomfortable and then stop myself.

    BIKSS and me have always been able to speak frankly about sex. Even before we got together.


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