Monday, August 16, 2021

Tales from the Weekend



We have installed a security system in the house in town.  It has all the bells and whistles including front and back cameras.  We're new owners.... and tend to be a little hyper vigilant.  On Saturday - early - we got a message that the back window (the lil one's room) had a problem.  Sir Steve rushed off to town.  While he was gone I checked the security feed - and discovered a police officer had come to our door.  I assumed the security company had alerted the police.

Turns out - the problem with the back window was just a blip - corrected itself in less than a minute AND no police were called.  UGH!! I felt sick.  Why would police come to our door??!!!  My anxiety ramped up.......... Sir Steve called the police when he got back here.  They said the officer was now off duty and suggested he call again on Sunday.  He did... and the officer was to call us back.......... hours passed.  My anxiety ramped up more..... over the top more. 

By late afternoon I was nearing total melt down I asked Sir Steve to call the cop again.  This time they put Sir Steve right through.......... Turns out just over a week ago - there was a home invasion around the block from us.  The officer noticed when he was doing a house check immediately after that we had security cameras.  He had come to see if our cameras caught anything (there's a back lane) GAH!!!  Our back camera wasn't working that specific night so we had nothing to offer.

Lesson learned !!  Police officers are our friends (grinning)

We are having a rough patch with the lil one again  -- mainly because of lack of supervision/guidance at mother's. Her personal hygiene goes totally out the window when she's there......... that in itself annoys me but wasn't the main problem.  I noticed pimples forming on her face and said in passing "you're washing your face at mom's right?" She was slow to answer which made me look at her... she looked as guilty as hell when she said "YES" I called her on lying ....... and one thing led to another and (le sigh) we're back struggling again.  

On a more pleasant note.......... Sir Steve got to experience first hand my "method of eating a chocolate bar" (cheeky grin)

and I do believe I got his seal of approval!!  

And life in the country muddles along............   


  1. WOW Morningstar! Those are quite the stories!!!!

    First, too scary.
    Second, too annoying!
    Third, JUST RIGHT!!!

    Good job Goldilocks!!!

  2. As always - good luck with the lil one.

    Neighbors told us the cops knocked on our apartment door when I was in college. I had been telling my roommate for days to get the baby marijuana out of the apartment. That day I told her I was taking a shower and if it was still there when I got out I'D get rid of it. It was gone when I got out. The cop never came back and I still don't know for sure why he came by.

  3. Hi Morningstar, A home invasion close to home is scary. Yes,the Police are our friends. Hope things settle with the lil one quickly.


  4. That was a bit of a "Breaking Bad" post



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