Friday, January 25, 2008

Is it Friday already?

i remember my grandmother.. and my mom .. mentioning how fast the days and weeks and months flew by when i was young. i personally thought they were a little nuts.. cause for me the days dragged into weeks and the months never seemed to end........

Well as with all things....... i am now my mom saying i can't believe how fast the days/weeks/months fly by. Honestly it seems like only last week that we were back at school after the Christmas break.. and yet here we are heading into the last week of January ...... and two birthdays to celebrate this weekend and an expedition into town to shop for a wedding dress ............. and that after a week of paper work, meetings, budgets and deposits.. and one day when the old body just couldn't hold it together and i had to come home ...........

And here it is Friday............. oh my god !! i have a list a mile long of things i expected to get done before today........ cleaning and laundry and meal preparation.......... and here it is Friday and the list grows not shortens.. what is a person to do??

But it isn't the big things that get to me.. it is scheduling in things like stopping at the drugstore to renew my prescriptions.. or getting my hair washed .. or even fitting in a shower .. wrapping up the birthday gifts.......... it's the little things that seem to weigh heaviest on my shoulders..........

And i have been spoiled for the last couple of weekends.. quiet times at home with Sir.. lots of play.. lots of time for the little things..and now the pace quickens and i am feeling a little overwhelmed......... a little swamped... these are the Fridays i just want to scream .. "stop the world" just for an hour or two.. so i can get caught up .. catch my breath..........

Forget lectures on sensuous caning....... with time between strokes to breathe and enjoy....... i want time between life phases so i can catch my breath and breathe and enjoy....... not feel like i am being dragged along at some break neck speed....... pedalling as fast as i can and not keeping up.......

Something is niggling in the back of my head.. a memory.. (like with child birth - some memories fade so you can face it all again) yes yes i remember ..... January straight through February are my hell weeks.. weeks where i don't have time to even blink......... busy busy times.......... and i have survived every January through February before this..... (all 20 of them) and i guess i will survive this run to March break.... old body and all...........

wish me luck !!!


  1. Part of the aging process. On the good side it makes even the boring or bad times pass more quickly.

  2. All these theories that our ancestors where aliens based on the building of the pyramids and ancient drawings that can only be seen from the air etc seem like a lot of bunkum to me. But I do believe our ancestors where aliens because they must have come from a planet that had at least 36 hours in the day, it's how much time I need to fit in all the work, play, duties and sleep.



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