Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Just remember...........

In case no one noticed...

I took a little holiday from blogville.... 

I was pouring my heart out.... words spilling over themselves on to the screen.......it was cathartic ... for me... maybe not for anyone else... but let's remember... this blog is my place to bare my feelings - happy, sad, scared, angry all of them......... and yeah usually I censor myself more than I have these last few weeks... BUT ya know what?? it's my life, my blog, my feelings - no matter how blunt or cold or cruel ...

Anyway......... after telling the world I felt betrayed there was some fall out... and truthfully I just went "what the fuck" and closed it down.....

I spent a goodly amount of time trying to sort things out - trying to pull it all together... and trying to find a way through all the words and emotions.

And then ........ I went to Ottawa for a week...

And I came home with a new job........ it's part time and contract work...... but hey it's a job........ and something completely different....... I will be working from home - doing some web design work...........

I have spent the last 3 days working without my coach holding my hand....... and loving it!!  definitely working more hours than I am gonna be paid for.... more hours than I should be....... but I am learning as I go... youtubing what I don't quite 'get' yet.... and slowly it's all coming together - like my life.

So .......... I am back........... and wobbling forward....  


  1. Anonymous8:11 am

    Web design...sounds exciting! Congratulations!

  2. Anonymous9:33 am

    I noticed I check in almost every day... lol just a sad lurker... but kudos do you! Have fun! And never censor yourself it really is your place some people just can't handle seeing someone else's truth.

  3. I'm glad you are back and things are looking up.

  4. Go Morningstar go!

    I noticed too, I missed you.

  5. Good on you! Enjoy part of your new life

  6. Anonymous9:06 pm

    i'm so glad you're back!! i too check in almost every day and i was saddened when i couldn't get on. i'm so happy to see you again! And screw those who think they should have an opinion on your life. Good luck on your new endeavours. There are those of us who are cheering you on!



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