Sunday, May 08, 2011

Delicate Bondage

I do bondage ............ yeah I do....... occasionally .......... but not very well.

If you want bondage done.. and done well....... you go see W.  Now he loves bondage and does it very well !!!

Last evening I was supposed to do some delicate bondage - on a willing subject - only problem was I didn't do a good job.  One little wiggle and the ropes slipped and a limb came free and disaster ruled.  I was in tears - and angry - and frustrated.  How stupid could I be??!!  AND I so wanted W to be proud of me.. to look at my handiwork and be proud.  BUT ... that didn't happen.

So I asked W to do the bondage for me.  And of course he agreed.  BUT he was gentle with me.. explaining it was his first time doing delicate bondage...... and he wasn't sure how good a job he would do (BUT I knew he was just trying to make me feel better)

He took the rope and vim vam voom he had looped a loop and tied a knot and had wrapped it around the victim - gave a gentle pull and the ropes just slide around and tightened up like magic.  Granted it did take W a couple of tries to get the limbs fully secured so they didn't wiggle loose........ but he did it !!!!!

SURPRISE.......... yes we were trying to truss up a chicken to go on my brand spanking new rotisserie.  I had planned this rotisserie dinner for W for two weeks........... but I have never EVER had to tie up a chicken before........ I don't know .. I thought they came all tied up nicely......... who knew??!!  (Next time I will skip the bondage step myself and just ask W to do it !!)

After burning my finger a couple of times trying to baste the damn chicken (it was in my spanking new toaster oven/rotisserie - which is small!!) The chicken was cooked - glazed - and ready for serving.

Despite how it looks - it tasted pretty yummy !!!


  1. Ha ha , this did make me chuckle.

  2. If I could spell this early in the morning I would have left a very pithy comment. But it's early and I can't spell so .........

  3. Anonymous10:28 pm

    :) looks very very yummy

  4. hmmm bound birds? I do not not know thought i ws a bit wierd but hey each to their own now when you have wienners is it group bondage before teh bbq? Will not ask about meatballs.


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