Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ughhhh - UPDATED

 I am almost afraid to say it.......... but I think I may have figured out my problem.  I let Firefox upgrade itself.......... in frustration tonite I took the upgrade off and put back the old version........ et voila .. here I am .. on firefox writing in my blog.... 

Save the cheers until I am sure it lasts......... but I am doing a semi happy dance around the house !!!!

 Ok .. so I am having all sorts of trouble logging into my blog - even with Internet Explorer........

So if I disappear for a bit ...... it's because I am having blogger issues........

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morningstar,

    I upgraded to Firefox 4.0 and have no trouble at all. It seems faster and is definitely more secure.

    For what it's worth, Erica has also been having blogger issues, and she fixed them by turning on "Enable Cookies". Maybe when you upgraded, cookies got turned off.



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