Friday, January 14, 2011

Limping along

Well I am home snuggled up on the sofa with my liquid diet.  I did call the surgeon's office this morning - but he isn't back from the Christmas holidays till Monday.  Sooooo as long as things stay status quo I am snuggling till Monday.

As I don't have a whole lot of philosophical gems floating around in the old head today.. I thought I would leave you with some pictures.  Enjoy !!



  1. Palamino5:41 pm

    I'm so glad to hear this news! (The pics were entertaining, too!) Please, please, please, though, if it gets worse, call someone and get to an emergency room. Remarkably, our bodies aren't aware of Monday's or any other day, and they are terribly inconsiderate in these types of matters! Keeping good thoughts that this is taken care of sooner rather than later, next week!

  2. Ordalie12:07 am

    "he isn't back from the Christmas holidays till Monday."
    Stretching them a hell of a lot I'd say!

  3. Ass-warmings are nice.
    (sighing dreamily here)

    Hope you feel better soon. Let me know if there's anything I can do.


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