Sunday, February 18, 2007

shoot me please???

Yesterday i turned to Sir.. filled up with tears.. and asked Him if He would take me to the clinic today... i felt THAT bad....

The problem with going to a clinic is that they specialize - not in medicine as one might hope.. but in line ups. Line up to check in.. Line up for triage.. line up for an examining room.. line up for a doctor.. then line up for tests.. then line up for results from tests then line up to see doctor again!!!

The verdict is.......... i have strep throat (they think - but as i do not DO swabs stuck down my throat they aren't sure) i have tonsillitis and i have pneumonia.. And after joining more line ups at the drug store i am finally home with an arm load of antibiotics.

Someone wanna shoot me now?? please??


  1. Poor, poor baby! That really bites!

  2. wow, I do hope you start to feel better. I am thankful you finally went and got some medicine and help! take good care!

  3. Anonymous12:57 am

    Poor baby, I hope you feel better soon!


  4. Anonymous7:29 am

    *hugs* Feel better soon, sweetheart. :)


  5. I do so hope that you start feeling better soon LittleOne.

    If you need them, I have a Krispy Kreme down the road from me :)

  6. So does that mean you cannot talk much LOL


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