Thursday, June 04, 2015

Never too late... take the other road.

When I was 7  - I fell in love with Miss Rutenberg - my grade one teacher.  Immediately I decided "when I grow up I am going to be just like her - a teacher!"  And I did.

And for 20+ years I taught hundreds and hundreds of children...... and loved it.

I was a teacher.  

And when I thought about it my brain would tell me "you are a teacher that is what you do and who you are"......... 

A few years ago when someone suggested I might like to try doing something different - part time - I scoffed at them.  My answer "I am a teacher!  that's all I know how to do!"

Then a few weeks ago when this job offer rolled around again - I threw caution to the wind and decided to at least - at the very least - take a training and see if I could manage it....... maybe?? maybe be something besides a "teacher".

Yesterday I realized - light bulb moment - that I had stuck myself in a box labelled "teacher" and limited myself ....... I never believed I could do anything else....

I completed my first solo project yesterday for this company.  I did the work with passion that I thought was long gone.......and I realized how often we pigeon hole ourselves and refuse to take risks............ 

Sometimes taking a risk is good...........
Sometimes taking a risk leads to renewed passion......
Sometimes taking a risk opens up a whole new world.........


  1. I'm very glad you're pushing yourself to do new things. The greatest thing in life is to do things you're uncomfortable of doing and to overcome your own fear.

    In my 31 years of my life, I've always tried to outsmart things until they backfire me. I need to limit myself in my case.

    Big congrats to you for moving on ! :)

  2. I was just thinking... "I need a like button for this."... and ooh. there is one!!! *goes and presses firmly*.. :D

    well done to you - keep doing it, putting one foot in front of the other. You'll have some missteps, where you step somewhere and then realise you don't like it after all, but thats okay. trying new things is what stops you from pigeon holing yourself. Keep trying... keep doing... keep being you!



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