Saturday, February 28, 2015


I was sitting here drinking my morning coffee - enjoying (finally!) the sunshine pouring in the windows when suddenly - SUDDENLY - I realized it was March.


March has finally arrived.  So what if it "came in like a lamb" one more storm at the end of March is tolerable cause it's one of the final storms..........

I jumped up and flipped the calendar from dull February to bright March.... didn't even give February a last look - just flipped that page.........


I am not sure what I was doing - reading something or other on the net and in passing noticed  something that said February 28th.......... NOOOOOOOOOOO - they must have made a mistake it can't be February STILL??!!!  

I checked the date on my computer..

oh dear god - my heart sank - it isn't March yet.......... tomorrow is March ......... today it is still FEBRUARY!  

Will this month never end???? (le sigh) 


  1. Just ticked past midnight for me so it is now March but alas that means it's Autumn.

  2. well DtBHC I am sorry it is Autumn for you now - hopefully you won't have as miserable a winter as we have had.....

  3. It will end tomorrow Sunday morning and you can take that information to the bank !!!!!!


  4. Hi Morningstar

    Thankfully where I live we rarely see temperatures below 10C (50F). So our winters are sometimes more pleasant that summer.


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